Thursday, August 17, 2006

Waiting to begin waiting

so much has happened in the short week or so recently. Ben Casey came to visit- YAY! sooo much fun- thanks for making LE voyage ben. we did a lot of climbing, some talking around the tiny backyard table, some eatin', and some gooood times. ben saw me at one of my worst climbing moments, but then, i saw him at one of his worst climbing moments too. i took a pretty nasty fall and hit my head (thank you helmet for my life right now!) but i am okay. i bailed off the climb. alas. now all i can do is think about how to do the moves correctly. we introduced ben to crack climbing, which kicks everyone's arse the first time they try it. ben was not, shall we say, enthused. we still got in plenty of time on the rock however. it was a great stay- now all the rest of you must come out too! Brian Hirschy is arriving this sunday and we are excited to show him our little paradise too.

in the meantime, i interviewed for a job at our orthopedic clinic- does along the same lines of things as the patients i see here, but in a less acute setting with a shorter stay. i am waiting to hear back though- it is such a small place it depends on the other RNs who work there for the nurse manager to work me into their schedule. we've been in touch though and i am fully confident that i will be hired on. hopefully sometime in september. so now i wait to begin waiting, b/c even as soon as i sign those papers, i still have to give my 2 weeks notice here and then be put on the schedule there. so i wait. as indigo montoya said in the Princess Bride, "i hate wait".

i had a really hard day at work yesterday and just couldn't wait to work somewhere else. today (i'm at work) has been much better- obviously b/c iam typing this. yesterday i did not get a lunch and left work 45 minutes late- which means i put in over 13 hours of work yesterday with only a 15 minute break to swallow some food. that's hard. i didn't want to get up today- some days it can be really hard to get myself out of bed. i do get tempted from time to time to call in 'sick', but that's so not right that i never end up doing it. i'd just be lying to say that i never thought about it...

i found a recipe website that i absolutely am thrilled about! it is called and has a lot of quick and easy gormet recipes. i know, gormet, quick and easy? but the meals sound delicious and i can't wait to make them! plus it plans everything for you- even the grocery list! is having a sale- 30-60% certain items. there's some good deals on there. i hate to pay shipping though. our patagonia outlet is having a sale the 31rst, i requested work off for it! i get up early and wait in line for it, so if any of you want something particular let me know!

i enjoyed the movie Crash this week. interesting, make you think, and slightly stressful (in the good kind of way that makes you think, i can't wait to see what happens- hurry up and say your line already!) but a darker movie, not a light 'let's just not think tonight' movie.

the summer heat is finally moving on- i am ready to welcome fall!

1 comment:

meredith said...

polly! i'm glad that i found out that you have a blog. i have been enjoying reading it, and i pray that you get the new job!