eric and i went out last night like we actually live in salt lake city! it was so much fun. we met coby and our new friend mark at a local pub called the bayou. it has over 150 beers on their menu, with around 24 or so beers on tap. plus some good ole sweet potato fries and chips and salsa. and they have live jazz at night during the summer. just like all other 'bars' in salt lake, you must be a 'member' to go into the restaruant. but coby is a member and we can get in free with a member. so we'll just switch off years for buying the membership. it was so fun, eric and i have never actually 'gone out' with an alcohol budget, so it was fun to think, what kind of beer do we want to try? and not worry too much about the price. i tried something new too: belgion beers served up right in there wine-ish looking glasses. i had a raspberry beer which was fabulous. i recommend it to any girl, or to any guy taking outa girl you would like to impress with your suave sense of alcohol ordering. i recommend it going something like this, (man says to the waiter):"i'll have the blah-blah-blah beer, and the lady will have the belgion framboise...." (pronounced fram-bu-ah) trust me, it'll kill her!
mark is our new friend that climbs and is a christian! wow! i met him through a nother friend, and then one day coby and i actually ran into him at a local crag (after sorta meeting him the first time) during this re-meeting coby accidentally dropped a quick draw (a couple of caribiners attached by a strand of rope) on top of his head. he now has a nice scar. so i guess we were rememberable. mark and i went climbing yesterday. it was very fun. coby is out right now with a sprained ankle (that she did when i was not climbing with her which is probably why she got hurt. now b/c i am not climbing with her i will probably get hurt. some sorta weird climbing karma or something) anyway, so i have been calling all the "B" team climbers- haha, j/k. mark actually climbs way harder than i do, but we got out on some classic climbs yesterday. he's climed a long time and i think i can learn a lot from him. most exciting is that he used to climb big big walls and has all the crazy gear to do that- mostly, he owns a port-a-ledge- that crazy contraption that climbers will sleep on up on the side of the mountain b/c the climb takes longer than 1 day to complete. so i have convinced himt hat it would be super cool to rig up that ledge only about 200 feet off the groun in little cottonwood canyon and...he agreed!! so we are grabbing coby and eric and are going to plan a little night out on the rock. i can't wait! we're making some big plans for climbing- whohooo!
first indian creek trip is planned- contingent upon my new job that is. we are planning on going down there over eric's fall break- october 4, 5, 6. but that will be just 2 weeks after my new job starts so i'll have to put that request in upon signing of the papers. speaking of, the nurse manager is supposed to call me on monday and finalize the deal. so i can't say when ia ms tarting per se, but we kinda set the date at around septeber 22. we have to finalize like i said on monday. then i'll post about everything.
reagarding training: i have always been mostly athletic. only mostly though b/c when the going gets rough, i have usually backed down. what i mean is this: after i have used up my own athletic ability in a sport i usually stop getting super into that sport. basically, i don't like to train. if i am good at something with just what i've got on board right now, great! i love the thing i am doing. but when i use up all that natural talent and have to actually start practising and trainign for something, i usually get burnt out. well, ia m quickly approaching that limit with climbing. my natural abilities are getting close to bottom and if i want to continue on i will have to actually do....(barf!) strength training. that means effort. and while i enjoy effort ont he rock b/c it is fun and entertaining,i dont' enjoy effort for the sake of effort. i was telling this to mark yesterday so when we got home he made me get down and do 20 pushups right there. i guess it was good for me, and it will help me get the strength i need to do the next bout of climbing. so, i am sighing and sucking it in (literally) and deciding to get in real shape. whohoo- let's see how it goes!
i am at work and off i go to do some spanish translating for an other nurse. hasta luego!
Broads Fork, Bonkers, black and white, iPhone
9 years ago
1 comment:
Sounds like you and Eric are having fun. I am on two weeks of nights so I feel your pain right now. We have an extra call room so Cindy has been staying at the hospital as well, but I haven't got to see her that much b/c I have been busy.
We want to start having a night once a week we climb at the HPER. We still want to come see yall this winter and board, that is if Cindy's knee will hold up.
Tell Eric I said hello.
BTW, I like your shorter post. I can actually sit down and read them in one sitting. Ha Ha.
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