Saturday, August 05, 2006

farmer's market fun

this morning we went to the downtown farmer's market. it is held in pioneer park, which is usually a gathering place for the homeless people. my friend coby calls the homeless people "worms- cuz they lay around on the ground like worms after rain". they do lay around all over downtown wherever there is a spot of grass. anyway, pioneer park turns from a homeless worm shelter to a fantastic market every saturday morning. it was spectacular. i wish i had gone before now, but somehow it seems i have never been available saturday mornings. they sell everything from earrings to yak-looking scarves to fresh produce.

my friend brian says i am "scotch". i asked him if that was a good thing. he said "yes, you are a wise shoppper always looking for a deal". i guess what he really means is i won't buy expenisve things, and i am always shopping for a better price. this is true. i did splurge this morning- i bought a $5 loaf of asiago basil artisan bread. and it is worth it! yum!

i was so excited about my purchases this mroning i had to take a picture and show you all how many tomatoes i bought for just $3- aren't they pretty? and 4 cucumbers for $1. i am so excited to have a fresh salad now. it reminded me of being at home again- fresh garden produce made up in yummy ways simply b/c of its own intrinsic good taste and not by anything we did to them. man, i miss my mom's garden. it's a lot of work, but i must admit that they are worth it. i look forward to when eric and i have our own home an di put in a garden just like my mom's!

i plan on attending the farmer's market from here until october when it shuts down. you do have to look for hte deals though- some places will charge you a dollar more than the vender just down the way. it is a paradise for a shopper like me who knows what good produce should look and taste like, and knows how much money it should cost. sometimes i think i shoudl go on one of those shopping game shows where htey make you guess the cost. b/c i am really good at comparing costs and getting the most for my money. hence the reason why i shop at walmart. i wish id idn't have to- i don't like supporting the big corporate world. i wish i could shop all organic. i know it tastes that much better. but frankly, we can't afford to live that way...yet. someday when we both work and have no kids we will shop only organic and fend off all those cancer causing agents. haha. i don't know tha ti exactly believe that fertilizer causes cancer. eric believes so. he tells me that i have an organic soap box. maybe i do. i just think organic has become a fad, and isn't necessarily the way those people would live, they just do it to seem more 'seattle' as i would say.

i saw some very ugly dogs this morning at the market. i guess you are allowed to bring your dogs there b/c i definitely rolled my bike tire through some dog pooh. i like dogs, a lot. and i want one. however, i can understand why dogs are banned in so many places around here. they leave nice little traces of themselves eveyrwhere they go. for some reason, everyone who brought their dog to the market this morning had very ugly dogs. i mean, dogs that i thought, is that a dog or a cat or what? and then the dogs kept getting in fights everywhere. it's a dilemma for sure, i like the dogs and would want to bring my own. but they are kinda annoying at times.

the rest of the day will be a lazy saturday. guess what? the apartment we recently moved out of actually returned the majority of our deposit check.t hat's a first. no apartment returns that money. we are going to look at some furniture shops to see if we can find a modern desk. we are using a 50 year old card table for our computer desk at the moment. with no drawers and so everything is everywhere and it isn't a fun place to be. so maybe we'll be able to find something now that we have that extra refund check.

anybody interested in buying a pair of super small climbing shoes? i have put my old pair of red chilis online to sell. i wear a size 6 women's shoe and they are too small for me if that gives you any idea how small they are. i thought selling those would help buy a desk too.

recent reads: Searching for God knows what- donald miller, Daisy Fae and the miracle man- Fanny something or other, The Secret Lives of Bees- Sue Monk Kidd, the adromeda strain- micheal crichton, into the wild- jon krakauer, 1 Samuel, Old testament- some old guy (except i am making eric read this to me before we go to bed at night and it keeps putting me to sleep...), the blessings of obedience- andrew murray

1 comment:

Polly said...

i don't think the shoes would fit you cuz we wear the same size and those shoes kill my feet! but thanks for thinking anyway. can't wait for you to come visit...