Wednesday, January 28, 2009

meaningless blog post

I've been enjoying my homemade lattes recently. they take me about 5 minutes total to make, including the warm up of my machine and clean up afterwards. and so i get out of the routine of taking the 5 minutes to make them. but recently i've taken the time and i think the quality of my mornings has improved. my little 8 oz mug only holds one shot of espresso and 7 oz of milk. i like my lattes plain- no flavoring, no sugar. just skim milk and a shot of espresso. so i don't actually get addicted. i just enjoy the taste. Eric and i bought this Starbucks home espresso maker over a year ago, and it's well worth the money!

Hope you enjoy this pretty meaningless blog post. it's 1 am and i'm on a night shift. i can blog about what i want to.

the 8 oz line marked so i get the correct amount of milk. you can see the steamer straw in the picture too.

my sweet mug

1 comment:

miranda said...

were you wishing you had a shot of it right then? I agree, you make a tasty one!