Monday, June 07, 2010

Barfy Boise

I recently returned from a trip to Boise, Idaho to visit with my sister after the birth of her new baby son, Seth. I always forget how much energy children require- i was exhausted after only a few hours. The kids are really great though, and I enjoy watching them grow up. My mom was up there too to help take care of the chitlens and miranda, as she had a c-section. so i got to visit with lots of family! the visit was going swimmingly, until i caught some stomach virus/flu bug thing the night before i was supposed to leave. i spent the night throwing up and feeling quite ill. strange thing is, this happened last time i was up there in february. now i can't help but associate visiting the kiddos with barfing. i told miranda the next time i visit i am going on a complete fast for the duration of the visit. that way if i get the crud again i won't have anything to throw up. it still was a good trip, just ended in a not so good way. i guess this was the second Barf Fest 2010, the first being in february. thanks nephews and neice, i don't want another invitation.

me and seth, pre-barf

1 comment:

miranda said...

at least you got to eat some flying pie pizza AND get to taste it TWICE!!! doh!