Who knew a gluteus medius could be so painful? Who even knew you had a gluteus medius?!
This muscle is the one muscle that is so weak on me. It's affecting that darn hip flexor and making it work overtime. Yesterday in physical therapy it got worked- hurray! today i'm sore specifically in my gluteus medius and i couldn't be happier b/c it means it was well targeted and well-worked.
Yesterday I swam one mile. then i went to PT. I was so proud.
Sunday Eric and I went for our first real road bike ride. clipped in and everything. even wearing the outfit. I'M RIDING A BIKE! I am Operation + 10 weeks as of yesterday. Sure, the bike ride was mostly flat. Sure i was only out 30 minutes, but i felt the wind and sunshine on my face and i was joyful inside.
I'm using the cane less and less. in fact, i don't use it at all around the house. my limp is much less pronounced and i don't have to think so hard to walk correctly. my glut med is still very weak, and my hip flexor is still very angry. i'm still limited in my range of motion severely, but my physical therapist showed me my range of motion numbers yesterday and i was improved substantially in all areas. far from normal yet however, making progress. i'm taking anti-inflammatories around the clock to see if that helps the flexor at all.
i asked him (the PT) about the hip flexor. he said it was still too early to tell- i am only 10 weeks out. i think i now understand why parents always give the age of their child in weeks- you are counting baby! i am counting the weeks post-op and i suddenly feel like a parent. 10 weeks is such a long time and yet such a short time at the same time. 10 weeks of my life pre-operation would feel like a long time. 10 weeks post-operation feels like no time at all. i think i was hoping to see significant improvement in activity level at 3 months. and really i have made significant improvement since i came home on cruches. but secretly, deep down inside, i thought i might have put a climbing harness on and tied in at 3 months. i'm thinking more like 4-6 now. so it goes. slowly, slowly. and, by the way, i have put on the climbing harness- and then sat down on the couch and enjoyed the feeling.
Broads Fork, Bonkers, black and white, iPhone
9 years ago
1 comment:
yea! glad things are progressing, glutius medius and all! i know the recovery feels slow, but it will pass. just keep taking it one day at a time and enjoy what you CAN do. love you, friend!
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