Yesterday I biked myself to the gym, swam my mile, and biked home. i was so proud. my first bi-sport day!
Today before work Eric and i biked all the way to the hospital, just to be sure i could do it by myself. now, i can return to biking to work and i am so pleased about that.
i'm not using my cane at work anymore either and i have no noticeable limp (except when i get up out of a chair for the first few steps). I've started seeing a massage therapist who i am really excited about. She knew all about my condition ( FAI) and was able to work a bit on my lower back. she described my hip as " you have a lot of scar tissue there that needs to be organized" i love the idea of 'organizing' my hip. it sounds like preparing myself for the freedome of movement that has been my dream for so long now. i also had acupuncture last week, but my hip was so tight that one of the needles actually came out during the session (i guess my hip rejected it or something and actually pushed it back out) all this is a bit costly so i'm deciding to forgo the acupuncture and stick with the massage. i've also started taking an herbal supplement called pycnogenol that is supposed to have strong anti inflammatory properties. i like this idea better then doping up on ibuprofen and aleve all day long and running the risk of ulcers.
the swimming is going great. in fact, i'm considering entering a triathlon as part of a relay team (no way am i running right now!) i'm not that excited about competing itself, but i like the idea of swimming with a goal in mind. there's a half ironman tri in las vegas in october. if the stars align and i have the time off (and so do two other women) we'll go down and have ourselves a blasT!
so the days march on. i am 3 months out from my surgery. i'm still battling the hip flexor tendonitis. it's pretty painful, but only with flexion- my hip is tight so putting my sock and shoe on can be a challenge but i have faithfully done my PT every day since i have been allowed. i think it shows in the fact that i don't have a limp. i have been trying so hard to remain positive about this experience. i learned something new last week. i can only compare myself to the way i was 2 weeks ago. and next week i can compare myself to last week. if i try to compare myself to where i was before the surgery i get down. i am nowhere near my activity level before the surgery. sometimes i get down thinking its' been 3 whole months since i had the surgery and i'm not even thinking about climbing yet. and yet,it's only been 3 whole months and after my surgery that's not very long. so as long as i have made progress since 2 weeks ago i am going forward. i don't know when i'll climb again, but i am completely positive that i will some day.
right now i can't think about having my other hip operated on. i think i have to know that this surgery worked and was effective in the way i want it to be. i am thinking i need to put my new hip through its paces before i commit to tearing the other one open. plus, i think i need soem time to restore the positive energy/vibes so i have an adequate amount to put toward the other hip. so, i'm not sure about the other hip just now.... i wold still like to have an MRI done so i know what's going on in there, but as for surgery, let's slow this train down.
Broads Fork, Bonkers, black and white, iPhone
9 years ago