i am a little obsessed with his ears. airedales are supposed to have really cute, floppy ears- like the way pilsner's ears are in the first picture. the second picture is what he does with his ears most of the time. one is correct and the other is 'flying' away. i always try to correct it with my hands every time i pet him and he hates it. i even thought about super glueing his ears so they would stand up straight. i hope it's just a teething thing and they will both stand up correctly in the end. he is about 4 and a half months at this point and quite the handful. he is 90% house trained, but we still have to watch him. sometimes eric and i ask each other why we wanted a dog? i guess a dog is okay, it's the puppy that is too much. next time maybe we'll just adopt a dog. but sometimes, when he is really chill and just likes to lay around, we really like him. and i like that he makes us take walks and it's time to get out and talk to each other, when we aren't yelling at him to 'heel!'. he actually does down-stay and sit-stay quite well, especially when there is a treat involved.....
we have discovered that i am alpha dog. there is always one dog that is the head of the pack, and all the other dogs obey that dog. well, i'm it. i think it's all the obedience t raining i've done with him. eric just plays with him, therefore eric is a playmate ande fellow litter mate. during dinner time, pilsner leaves me cconpletely alone but runs up against eric the whole time wanting to play, or asking him to throw the ball etc. he never touches me. all i have to do is look at him the wrong way and he'll stop doing something wrong. eric is trying to rise in rank and become alpha dog 2 by growling at pilsner's throat every time he does something annoying, but i think secretly pilsner will always see him as a playmate. we are both ready for pilsner to become dog and stop being puppy. looks likewe have a long 9 and a half months ahead of us!!! we love him!
glad porter, sorry pilsner, is part of the dacus family. let's have smallest group at your place on wednesday, that way we can play with porter, sorry pilsner, while we hang out?
let's go to the dog park soon....actually how about tomorrow (Saturday)? Give me a call and I could meet you there in the afternoon?
hi po! how's it going? i just caught up on all your blog posts. i have been out of commission lately. are you ready for this? i slipped on some ice and broke my ankle 3 weeks ago...in 3 places, and had to have surgery and had 2 pins and a plate put in! crazy, huh? i knew you'd appreciate it after the skiing/ leg breaking incident. and it's the same dang leg. i should apparently avoid all cold weather. great to read about your life and all the fun you're having. and see pictures of your precious new nephew. and pilsner is adorable! ok, i'm rambling. hope you're doing well. miss and love you!!
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