well, he did it. pilsner lost the goods. this morning we dropped him off to get neutered at the humane society. i must say that they are, by far, the cheapest around town to get such a deed done. plus we got a coupon from the city for $25 off b/c we are registering him with the city. we got him neutered, microchipped, and rabied(?) :) for $44. my vet wanted 240 just to neuter. i feel bad for the poor feller-he can't tell where that awful collar stops so he is running into everything. he just wants to go through the door way to get to his water, but he runs into the door jam. he tries to come give you kisses but he can't b/c the collar gets in the way. however, it is pretty funny. i can't help but laugh at him! he just casually walks by the table but his collar runs into the chair and he gets shut down. then he just stands there looking very forlorn and maybe even whimpers a time or two. right now he is looking at me with those puppy eyes, begging me to take off the collar. guess what pilsner? you have to wear that sucker for TEN DAYS. i couldn't believe it- 10 days is a stinkin long time for a poor dog to wear one of those. after all the pain medication wears off and he is back to being a puppy (which i guess will happen in about 2 days) i don't know what we'll do with him- all energetic with a collar. hmmmm.
today i took one small step for femininity and one big step for polly-kind. i got my hair highlighted. or rather, low-lighted b/c i didn't actually get a lighter color added, but had darker colors added. i've never had anything done to my hair before b/c i think brown hair is hard to color- it always looks weird or orange or something. i went to a real actual salon, as opposed to a hair school, and paid the big bucks just for a little bit of vanity. however, it looks stellar!! i couldn't be happier, which says a lot b/c my hair has been in this awkward growing out stage for far too long. the gal did a great job; i think i'll keep it!
last weekend some girlfriends and i had a clothing exchange. we are all tired of the fact that we still are wearing sweaters we bought when we were 16. we all cleaned out our closets of those clothes we were most tired of and threw them in a big pile in my living room. after a couple bottles of wine we all thought that most of the clothes looked a lot better on each other and each went home with a bag full. we are donating the rest of the clothes to the battered women's shelter. it was so much fun, plus we all got some really good "new" clothes.
in other news, climbing season is officially here. i've now done three routes in Little Cottonwood Canyon and can feel the climbing vibe coming back to my fingers and forearms.
yoga is hard. i went to yoga last night. i always think that yoga is going to be relaxing and centering for me. well mostly it's just hard. there is this excellent yoga instructor at the climbing gym we belong to and he doesn't let you get away with any incorrect pose. it's a good thing actually, but it makes the yoga classes a real work out. i've got this 30 minute tape of yoga that i used to do at home, and i never really felt much work out from it. not now. just the simple downward dog pose that is basically the beginning yoga pose has become somewhat strenuous. you are supposed to be 'active' all the time, meaning your muscles are toning, not just sitting in a certain position, you have to actually engage every muscle group. and you must always engage your shoulder bones toward your spine. that's freakin' hard! given the fact that i can't touch my toes, my hip flexors are over developed, my hip muscles are under developed, my hamstrings are tighter than a wound spring, and my lower back is crinkled down tight, it's a wonder i can even step into bed at night. i've got a lot of stretching to do. i'm psyched.
we are having a birthday party for eric this weekend. a fiesta of tacos and birthday cake with a bunch of friends. what a difference a year can make. last year we quietly celebrated, just the two of us, with a small dinner and small cake. we were happy to just be married and have at least each other on a special day. this year it's turned into a great fiesta with many friends- it's the greatest bunch of people to hang out with and i'm so happy to be celebrating a special day with so many good people.
new favorite music to listen to: Regina Spektor and Rosie Thomas - i guess i've been in a mellow mood huh?
right now i smell nutmeg. bath and body works is having sale on wall plug-ins; i bought nutmeg. it's really good. eric's nose is completely stuffy and he says he can't smell it. i don't think pilsner cares b/c he is in too much pain. what a nice little family. :)