Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Lindsey- this one's for you!

LINDSEY LYTLE/MARCH!! that was so awesome to hear from you!! i am making this a special post b/c i don't know if you would check the comments section for a reply from me. :) how great that you found my blog. it looked like you don't have a blog though cuz i clicked on your name- or maybe you just didn't have a profile. you are a very brave women, with Drew being gone for so long. i'm sorry to hear about his absence but will look forward to his return with you!

okay, hope this wasn't too weird sending out a post just for one person- i was just pretty excited to hear from you! :)

1 comment:

Linds said...

Wow I feel priviledged to get my own post-- maybe I should print it out and put it on my fridge... no one's done that for me so far!

Yes, I acknowledge I have no blog. My siblings say I am behind the times. I just don't know if I was the responsibility of keeping up with a blog. If you post too much, people will think you are a loser with no social life... if you post too little, people will think that you are too wrapped up in your social life to extend a warm message to those friends who have moved away but still want to be connected. It is a catch-22 I am afraid, and I am still caught. Perhaps someday...

Your dog is adorable... I have a Cairn Terrier named Toby (like Toto in the Wizard of Oz). I love the Terrier breed. Ofcourse, my Cairn thinks he is a lab, so he might look like a cute lap dog, but he really is not much of a lap dweller. If I get a blog, you will see pics... or buy the soon-to-be released Firehouse Dog DVD, his picture will be shown in the credits. I won a photo contest :)

OK, this is turning into a book. I'm out...