we had a dance party one night and got voted off the campground island the next morning by near-by campers. they did ask us nicely to not be so loud the next night. the next night we had karaoke, but wrapped it up by 10:30 so as to not make the neighbors more mad. we met a swiss german named Krischa, who had dance moves straight from the European dance clubs. we ate like queens, slept in a 8 person festival tent, carried heavier packs than any of us had ever carried before (ie- no boys around to pack-horse the load), and got attacked by viscous goatheads (a sharp thorn from a weed). we took a lot of video, and laughed a ton. it was perfect. i was sad to leave.
my dear friend Jamie belaying. and this photo proves we did do some climbing.
Jamie and i reproducing her classic "happy deer in the headlights" look. we think jamie walks around with this expression permanently on her face.
the four of us. this picture more correctly depicts us than the next one where we are actually posed. we basicaly didn't stop giggling and/or talking the entire time.
we are so cute! go team girl squad! from top L : Tamara, me, Liz. front: jamie
what is actually happening here is jamie is trying to hand liz an extra piece of gear to help with the next person top roping the route. but we asked liz to strike a pose and this is what she did. we call it "interpretive lowering"
liz and I
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