Saturday, June 20, 2009

Even Cowgirls get the Blues

Well, it's about time i post. but i don't have any fun pictures to put up. and i really don't even have any fun stories to tell. i mean, how interesting is: I made it down the stairs to the basement today. or I get my stitches out this Wednesday.

My sister and 3 toddlers just left this morning. leaving us a very quiet, lonelier, and cleaner house. I miss them already though because they made the week go by very quickly. I don't have any measure against which i could compare my healing/progression, but i think i'm doing well. I have been off narcotics for a week now. i was never taking very much, but what i did take affected me quite strongly and negatively (fuzzy headed and dizzy all the time). i'm getting around much better and am more comfortable in general. I still can't sit in the same position for too long, and standing on my left leg doens't last very long either before i get tired.

i was actually very positive about it all until about 30 minutes ago when i committed an error. i think. i started browsing blogs and found a few friends blogs i didn't know existed and checked up on a few friends that i regularly follow and discovered that everyone, absolutely EVERYONE on this planet is having a fantastic, fun and adventure filled, ACTIVE, and fabulous summer. except me. because i can't even walk. now i'm having a full fledged pity party. really, i was proud of myself because yesterday i crutched the farthest i have yet to crutch. about 100 yards. to the bathroom at the park. and i thought that was so good and i was doing so well. and maybe i am. maybe i'm healing by leaps and bounds. but nothing speeds up the 6 weeks it takes until i can walk on my leg again. or the 20 session of physical therapy i have to have afterwards to get my leg actually working again. nothing speeds up the 3 months i have to wait to ride a bike. nothing speeds up the 6 months i have to wait for full recovery and a climbing harness.

This is just a vent post. i'm sure i'll be feeling happier and more positive in a few moments and life won't seem so.... sendentary.

all you who can bend, twist, cross your legs, pick something up off the floor when you drop it, run, climb, bike, hike, MOVE or WALK..... please be grateful. and think of me.

okay a positive- my mom is still here. and we're going to get italian hot chocolate this afternoon at a cafe b/c i'm feeling up to it for the first time. as long as we bring along a pillow for me to sit on.


Emily said...

how was the italian hot chocolate? hope you've had a great day! i'm praying for patience and a speedy recovery - or at least that the time will go by quicker for you. hang in there!!

miranda said...

You're doing this at a good time. Imagine having that surgery and having to PICK UP after the 3 toddlers! Impossible! You'll be much better off in the long run. Just remember that good things come to those who wait. Thank goodness for modern medicine too that will make it possible to be more pain free in the long run. It's just like having kids: you have about 6 months of sleepless nights after they're born, but in the long run of your life, the percentage of lost sleep is minimal. Just try to put things in perspective! love you!! We had a blast at your house and BOY ARE THEY EXHAUSTED!! (me too)

Cindy Lofton said...

dear friend, i can empathize! even if you feel like you're the only inactive being on the planet, you're not. just keep your eyes on the prize! you know this is just a season. use it wisely! go rent Anne of GG, it will cheer you up. :-) love you friend. you're doing great!

Ben and Jennifer said...

yahoo for healing! seriously, you'll be running around in no time at all, what is 3 months compared to your whole life? you kick butt! you need to try coconut bliss ice cream!!!

Stef said...

Hope you feel better!