Wednesday, April 26, 2006
this isn't the bible belt
tonight i am going to bible study again. i am excited about it. i am always excited about it though. when i used to lead a bible study in fayetteville, i kinda dreaded it. it was awkward, and not many ppl talked. and only a certain few talk at this new bible study, but i can tell more ppl will start to open up with some time. i am still so interested in seeing what they have to say about studies i have done personally or corporately over the past few years. maybe ppl in utah were taught differently...after all, this isn't the bible belt.
eshter's stay went fabulously! she went skiing one day, and then got on my snowboard at the end of the day and did really well. the next day i took her rock climbing. i msut say i am quite proud of myself for getting her as sore as she is now. i don't think she can get herself out of bed without groaning. only, she lives alone so no one wil know. we explored some new parts of salt lake/park city yesterday. we went to the DI or Deseret Industry. which is a mormon owned thrift store. and it rocked! there were tons of good name brand clothes! i found a north face denali vest(for men) and bought it for 4$!! then we went to nordstrom rack- a discount store from the original store. it was super cheap and had super cute things! i got a fun pair of mary jane shoes that look totally 'seattle' (see my comment on gennie davis' blog here ) then we went to park city and check out the factory outlet stores. the banana republic was quite good considering in recent months they have upped their prices by almost 75% and have decided to beome more "boutiquish" and not sell as many of the same thing and just make what htey do sell mor expesive. the ann taylor was great. i bough t acardigan for 10$. only thing is when i go shopping these days, i don't need anything anymore. cuz where do i wear it??! i wear scrubs most of the time, and then when i am not at work i wear my patagonia climbing clothes or just comfy stuff around. but summer is here which mean si can wear my skirts again , so pershaps i'll start ot wear allt hose cute clothes i have from being in the south and needing to live up to southern belle par. then we went to the gap outlet. it was alright. not spectactular. but the thing with outlets and thrift sotres is you have to go often to get the best deals.
well, it is approximately 1900, and that means i get to give report on my patietns and go home. whooppeee!!!!
Monday, April 24, 2006

Esther and i riding at Snowbird, April 2006--sooooo fun!!! More pics of Esther's outdoor adventures on her blog.
Skiing in POWDER at the end of April
Beautiful Utah
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Eric and I in Arches National Park, Delicate Arch, February 2006. We stopped by Arches Nat'l Park on our way to climb in Indian Creek- a crack climbing mecca in southern utah, about 45 minutes from Moab.
Leading Binou's Crack, 5.9, Indian Creek, Utah. February 2006
Leading a random 5.8 in Red Rocks, Nevada, April 2006
Climbing in St. George, Utah February 2006. Coby is my new climbing partner!
Snowboarding at Snowbird, Little Cottonwood Canyon, Salt Lake, Utah, December 2005. I had just gotten off the bunny slope, and i think i fell right after this picture was taken! Learning to snowboard was one of the hardest things i've ever done. But snowbird is an uncommonly steep resort with 2800 vertical feet from base to top. i now can ride much better! :)
Thursday, April 20, 2006
trying to blog at work is hard
the bible study last night was good. we talked about 1 peter 3- about husbands and wives. we got some good conversation going. i come from arkansas right, where everyone is on this john eldredge craze. i love john eldredge(i feel like i am spelling that wrong...) he's got great things to say, and writes with such passion that it is infectious and you get super excited to be a christian and god's child. but sometimes, in places like arkansas, john eldredge and other christian writers become christian pop culture. everybody reads them and raves about them b/c evryone else does and that is what is cool. ppl in utah have yet to discover the coolness of john eldredge. few of them have heard of him and if they have heard of him they stil haven't read much of his books. so i gave my new friend natalie 3 boosk last night: journey of desire, captivating, and waking the dead. waking the dead is his best book in my opinion. but we were talking about the differences in men and women of course, i could add my input from reading captivating and waking the dead. it was fun to talk about that kind of thing again. we are building great relationships with our new bible study. that is why i was writing bout being a fringer. i have had lots of opportunities to be a fringer in the past few weeks. meeting new ppl always gives you opportunity to be a fringer. last night i actually participated a lot in our conversations- thus ussuring me past the outermost fringe.i may even get to hang out with a few of the girls this weekend, which definitely means i won't be a fringer anymore.
speaking of this weekend, esther, my friend from fayettefville, arkansas is coming to visit me! she'll be here from saturday until tuesday. i am so excited to show someone around my new home, and all my new favorite haunts. we will probably go skiing/snowboarding (i snow board as it is easier on my knees than skiing is) yes, it's still snowing enough in utah to go skiing. whohoo! i love living in utah for the outdoors. i am going to take esther to the mountains and go rock climbing, maybe hiking unless the snow is too deep and then we will go snowshoeing instead. we will go out to eat at one of our favorite restaurants. it'll be such a good time. plus esther is a wonderful woman- deep and passionate and with so much to offer. i look forward to our conversations.
before esther comes, i am going to finish watching the rest of LOTR return of the king. we rented the extended version and it's so good. i've seen it before of course, but it is one of those movies you can always watch. i get so excited about it--i almost wish i could live in a time like that. where it seems that y ou are fighting against an enemy that you can see and know when you have achieved a clear victory b/c he lies dead at your feet. salt lake is much like LOTR- except in a spiritual sense. it is hard to make out exactly what or who your enemy is- he takes the form of fear, loneliness, depression, oppression, and darkness. you fight with a sword of truth, lightness, godliness, and yes there are victories and sometimes you feel you have broken through the enemy lines. but most of the time you feel as though y ou are fighting just to breathe. this is whole new blog though, and i think i hear one of my patient's IV pumps beeping... i'll have to continue later.