I'm discovering that when climbing in the mountains, i seem to get shut down because of weather about 40% of the time. i'm learning to accept that, know that the mountains will always be there, and i can return another time. you know, a few weeks after the fact, i had a great time. in fact, i'd do it again!
the next day we wanted sunshine and straight forward climbing. Baxter's Pinnacle provided us with just that. it was fantastic!

brrr..my hands are already getting cold- and this is just the approach hike!

aww the sun!! surely our route will be warm, dry, and easy...

the approach ramps...or ice-falls. guess it's time to start belaying!

hmm..that first pitch sure looks like it's shadey...
that's because it is!

top of the first pitch in the sun. i'm actually crying in this photo..and putting eric's glove over my half frozen foot.

steph and I on top of pitch 2. we are bailing!!

E and I.

aww- warm and sunny Baxter's...and a sandbagged "5.10" on the second pitch

amazing final pitch to Baxter's

jumping in Jenny Lake after it all!
our adventure should have mostly ended at this point, all we needed to do was drive home. we drove our brand new toyota Yaris up to jackson since it gets such great gas mileage and it was all road driving. we are in the exact middle of nowhere Idaho at 9:30 pm on Sunday night when we hit an innocent bunny. we laughed, make a joke about how i'm not the type of gal who minds hitting small furry creatures, when our over-heating engine light comes on. we pull over. that said innocent bunny was still stuck to the outside of our grill! our little yaris was no match for that big bunny!! it knocked the radiator off and caused our engine to overheat, blowing the head gasket, ruining the pistons, taking out the condensor and the starter. did i mention it's 10:00 pm on sunday night? we pull the car over at a burger drive in by Bear Lake and camp in the front yard. the owner was still around and nicely called us a tow truck in the morning (of course eric's schmansy iPhone didn't get service up there...). we have it towed 50 miles to Logan, Utah to a dealership where they suppposedly fixed everything (taking 2 weeks). as soon as we got the car back i immediately thought "something doens't sound right". sure enough, we take it to the dealership here in Salt lake where we bought it and they run some tests.
yup, "your car is idling high and 2 of the 4 cylinders are not functioning properly. you need a brand new engine"
back to the insurance claim (b/c this was considered a collision!). and our sweet little car is currently still being worked on today. it's been down for about 5 weeks now.
that was a big rabbit.
or a small car.
not sure which one :)