eric and i went down to the desert outside of moab for the official return to climbing trip. we climbed a route in Arches National park and then another classic in the fisher towers. i had climbed in the Fisher towers about 3 years ago, and this time around the climb was both easier and harder than before. eric did all the leading- thank you! i had a very hard time figuring out where my body was in relation to the rock and the next move i needed to make. my right hip was so guarded that mentally it was a battle to make it move to the next foothold. but eventually it came around and i had a virtually painless experience! yay! i'm still working out some pain in my quad muscle i've had since the hardware removal- i have no idea what that is and it's very persistent. and i'm very uncoordinated on the rock- kinda like when you first begin climbing. but i know, deep down inside, that it's going to come back. the desert sunshine and red sandstone was EXACTLY what i needed.
i've returned to riding my bike to work, and in the evenings on myw ay home, i can take deep breaths of satisfaction and joy- that i live where i do, that i can ride a bike, and that life will, in fact and against all odds, return to normal.
in the vein of returning to normal, this week i am headed to Red Rocks outside of las vegas, nevada for a climbing trip withm y friend jamie. jamie had an ACL surgery in february, so we are about the same speed these days. we are both going to be figuring it out, taking it easy, and returning to climbing.
here's to climbing, trips, and travel!!!!!!!
and here's some photos:

Owl Rock in ARches National Park

Our new favorite trip dessert, dark chocolate wrapped in a baguette.

the top of Ancient Art in the fisher Towers

relaxing on the ledge, waiting for the previous party to finish the summit

eric and i on the ledge

the first pitch

the Fisher Towers at sunset

Yay i climbed again!!!