Me on Quarter of a Man, 5.11++ in Indian Creek.
Me on SoulFire, 5.11 in Indian Creek. That's Greg taking my photo climbing! I'll post those when i get them from him.
Katie on our hike/approach to Castleton/Sister Superior
Katie and I in front of the Rectory. Such beautiful country!
Me pointing at Sister Superior- where our climb was. We took some advice from a trail crew guy in the parking lot- the number one mistake to make as a girl climbing team. Men often want to offer advice to me when I am climbing with just another girl. I should know by now not to take such advice (b/c more often than not it is wrong!) but Katie and I listened. alas, his advice was bad and we never even made it to our climb that day b/c our approach/hike was so long and over some sketchy scree with no real trail. We were super bummed but had a good time in the desert anyway.
Katie following the only pitch we climbed that weekend on Sunflower Tower, Indian Creek.
Our friend Sam recently moved to Salt lake City and is staying with us for a little while. Yesterday we both had the afternoon off so we went for a little tour up Little cottonwood canyon. There was about 10 inches of fresh, untracked powder awaiting our uphill efforts!
Sam on our day touring up Little Cottonwood Canyon.
Me at the top with some warm tea!